Monday 11 October 2010

Charm of Nature Tourism KARIMUNJAWA

Karimun island are located on 05'40' - 05'57' latitude and 110'04' - 110'40' BT is geographycally located in the Java Sea , northwest of Jepara.
The total area of  107.225 ha of territorial Publication, most of the ocean ( 100.105 ha ) with 7120 ha of land area which consists of a group of island totalling 27 mix of large and small. Largest island of the P. Publication ( 4302,5 ha ).Although each island's land area is relatively small and dispersed in to 27 islands, but the contribution of land to the system of natural balance, carrying capacity, and to meet the needs of population has a large bond and cannot be separated.

As a region, most of its territory is water it is almost 33.5% (village Publications), 30.28% (village Kernujan), 64.57% (Parang village) community livelihood as fishermen. This work is a major work and major contribution to the income levels of society, while the second job is still subsistern based on expertise and skills from generation to generation. For example, crafts are quite varied in Karimunjawa dalarn use of raw materials [okal like making souvenirs, mats, rope boat, broom stick, broom, coconut coir, carvings, and toys Publications typical form of small wooden boats, inj potential has not been developed yet and is only intended to meet their own needs only.
Age and Education
The average age of workers ranging from 35-54 years old, is a positive situation because of the age of the workforce has a high productivity level. Workforce education level of farmers most complete primary education 62.16%, 25.67% did not complete primary school, junior high 8.11%, 4.05% high school, while the education level of fishermen mostly only 51.51% complete primary school, not 36.36% complete primary school, junior high school graduate 9.09% and 3.03% high school graduation.
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